Friday, 10 August 2012

clock with timer system time

The following  article is shows about display clock in windows forms using timer control in C#.
For that I am taking one User control and One form to develop this. First add One User Control.
Select  add new item from solution add one User Control with the name ClockTime and take one timer control in ClockTime user control then write the following code in .cs file:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ClockTime
    public partial class ClockTime : UserControl
        const float PI = 3.141592654F;
        DateTime dateTime;
        float fRadius, fCenterX, fCenterY, fCenterCircleRadius, fHourLength;
        float fMinLength,fSecLength, fHourThickness,fMinThickness,fSecThickness;
         bool bDraw5MinuteTicks = true;
        bool bDraw1MinuteTicks = true;
        float fTicksThickness = 2;
        Color hrColor = Color.Black;
        Color minColor = Color.Black;
        Color secColor = Color.Black;
        Color circleColor = Color.Black;
        Color ticksColor = Color.Black;
    //    private System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer1;
        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components;
        public ClockTime()
        private void ClockTime_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dateTime = DateTime.Now;
            this.ClockTime_Resize(sender, e);
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.dateTime = DateTime.Now;
        private void DrawLine(float fThickness, float fLength, Color color, float fRadians, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
            e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(color, fThickness),
                fCenterX - (float)(fLength / 9 * System.Math.Sin(fRadians)),
                fCenterY + (float)(fLength / 9 * System.Math.Cos(fRadians)),
                fCenterX + (float)(fLength * System.Math.Sin(fRadians)),
                fCenterY - (float)(fLength * System.Math.Cos(fRadians)));
        private void DrawPolygon(float fThickness, float fLength, Color color, float fRadians, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
            PointF A = new PointF((float)(fCenterX + fThickness * 2 * System.Math.Sin(fRadians + PI / 2)),
                (float)(fCenterY - fThickness * 2 * System.Math.Cos(fRadians + PI / 2)));
            PointF B = new PointF((float)(fCenterX + fThickness * 2 * System.Math.Sin(fRadians - PI / 2)),
                (float)(fCenterY - fThickness * 2 * System.Math.Cos(fRadians - PI / 2)));
            PointF C = new PointF((float)(fCenterX + fLength * System.Math.Sin(fRadians)),
                (float)(fCenterY - fLength * System.Math.Cos(fRadians)));
            PointF D = new PointF((float)(fCenterX - fThickness * 4 * System.Math.Sin(fRadians)),
                (float)(fCenterY + fThickness * 4 * System.Math.Cos(fRadians)));
            PointF[] points = { A, D, B, C };
            e.Graphics.FillPolygon(new SolidBrush(color), points);
        private void ClockTime_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            float fRadHr = (dateTime.Hour % 12 + dateTime.Minute / 60F) * 30 * PI / 180;
            float fRadMin = (dateTime.Minute) * 6 * PI / 180;
            float fRadSec = (dateTime.Second) * 6 * PI / 180;
            DrawPolygon(this.fHourThickness, this.fHourLength, hrColor, fRadHr, e);
            DrawPolygon(this.fMinThickness, this.fMinLength, minColor, fRadMin, e);
            DrawLine(this.fSecThickness, this.fSecLength, secColor, fRadSec, e);
            for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
                if (this.bDraw5MinuteTicks == true && i % 5 == 0) // Draw 5 minute ticks
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(ticksColor, fTicksThickness),
                        fCenterX + (float)(this.fRadius / 1.50F * System.Math.Sin(i * 6 * PI / 180)),
                        fCenterY - (float)(this.fRadius / 1.50F * System.Math.Cos(i * 6 * PI / 180)),
                        fCenterX + (float)(this.fRadius / 1.65F * System.Math.Sin(i * 6 * PI / 180)),
                        fCenterY - (float)(this.fRadius / 1.65F * System.Math.Cos(i * 6 * PI / 180)));
                else if (this.bDraw1MinuteTicks == true) // draw 1 minute ticks
                    e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(ticksColor, fTicksThickness),
                        fCenterX + (float)(this.fRadius / 1.50F * System.Math.Sin(i * 6 * PI / 180)),
                        fCenterY - (float)(this.fRadius / 1.50F * System.Math.Cos(i * 6 * PI / 180)),
                        fCenterX + (float)(this.fRadius / 1.55F * System.Math.Sin(i * 6 * PI / 180)),
                        fCenterY - (float)(this.fRadius / 1.55F * System.Math.Cos(i * 6 * PI / 180)));
            //draw circle at center
           e.Graphics.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(circleColor), fCenterX - fCenterCircleRadius / 2, fCenterY - fCenterCircleRadius / 2, fCenterCircleRadius, fCenterCircleRadius);
        private void ClockTime_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Width = this.Height;
            this.fRadius = this.Height / 2;
            this.fCenterX = this.ClientSize.Width / 2;
            this.fCenterY = this.ClientSize.Height / 2;
            this.fHourLength = (float)this.Height / 3 / 1.85F;
            this.fMinLength = (float)this.Height / 3 / 1.20F;
            this.fSecLength = (float)this.Height / 3 / 1.15F;
            this.fHourThickness = (float)this.Height / 100;
            this.fMinThickness = (float)this.Height / 150;
            this.fSecThickness = (float)this.Height / 200;
            this.fCenterCircleRadius = this.Height / 50;
        public Color HourHandColor
            get { return this.hrColor; }
            set { this.hrColor = value; }
        public Color MinuteHandColor
            get { return this.minColor; }
            set { this.minColor = value; }
        public Color SecondHandColor
            get { return this.secColor; }
                this.secColor = value;
                this.circleColor = value;
        public Color TicksColor
            get { return this.ticksColor; }
            set { this.ticksColor = value; }
        public bool Draw1MinuteTicks
            get { return this.bDraw1MinuteTicks; }
            set { this.bDraw1MinuteTicks = value; }
        public bool Draw5MinuteTicks
            get { return this.bDraw5MinuteTicks; }
            set { this.bDraw5MinuteTicks = value; }

Then write the following code in form.cs file:
Add designed user control  to Panel1 in form_Load event:
public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ClockTime obj = new ClockTime();

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