Wednesday 13 June 2012

Difference between Varchar and NVarchar

 Difference between Varchar and NVarchar

The data type Varchar and NVarchar are the sql server data types, both will used to store the string values.

Differences : 

1 Character Data Type

Varchar - Non-Unicode Data
NVarchar - Unicode Data

2 Character Size

Varchar - 1 byte
NVarchar - 2 bytes

3 Maximum Length

Varchar - 8,000 bytes
NVarchar - 4,000 bytes

4 Storage Size

Varchar - Actual Length (in bytes)
NVarchar - 2 times Actual Length (in bytes)

 The abbreviation for Varchar is Variable Length character String.

 The abbreviation of NVarchar is uNicode Variable Length character String.
More Details : Live Training in jaipur

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