Wednesday 13 June 2012

Function Execution in SQL Server 2005

In this article you will learn, everything about using Function Execution in SQL Server 2005
  • String Functions
  • Date and Time Functions
  • Mathematical Functions

String FunctionsString Functions are used for manipulating string expression. Note: string expression should be passed within single quote.
  • Len('') - Returns length of string.
    • Example: select Len("Shri Ganesh") will return 11
  • Lower('') - Convert all characters to lowercase characters.
    • Example: select Lower('Shri Ganesh') will return shri ganesh
  • Upper('') - Convert all characters to uppercase characters.
    • Example: select Upper('Shri Ganesh') will return SHRI GANESH
  • LTrim('') - Removes spaces from given character strings on left.
    • Example: select LTrim(' Shri Ganesh') will return Shri Ganesh
    • Note: It doesn't removes tab or line feed character.
  • RTrim('') - Removes space from given character strings on right.
    • Example: select LTrim('Shri Ganesh ') will return Shri Ganesh
    • Note: It doesn't removes tab or line feed character.
  • Trim('') - Removes spaces from given character strings from both left and right.
    • Example: select LTrim(' Shri Ganesh ') will return Shri Ganesh
    • Note: It doesn't removes tab or line feed character.
  • SubString('') - Returns a part of string from original string.
    • SubString(character_expression, position, length)
      • position - specifies where the substring begins.
      • length - specifies the length of the substring as number of characters.
    • Example: select SubString('Shri Ganesh',6,7) where in
    • 6 - Starting position of sub string from given string.
    • 6 - It is no. of characters to be extract from given string, starting from 6.
    • That is it will return "Ganesh" As ganesh start from 6th character upto 6 characters.
  • Replace('') - Replace the desired string within the original string.
    • Replace(character_expression, searchstring, replacementstring)
      • SearchString - string which you want to replace.
      • ReplaceString - new string which you want to replace with
    • Example: select replace('Think High To Achieve High','High','Low')
    • here, function search for every occurrence of High and replace it with Low.
    • Original - Think High To Achieve High
    • Result - Think Low To Achieve Low
  • Right('') - extract particular characters from right part of given string expression.
    • Example: select right('Think High To Achieve High',15) will return "To Achieve High"
    • This function will be helpful when you want particular characters from right part.
    • Example: Let say i have social security nos. and i want to extract last 4 digit of it.
      • select right('111-11-1111',4) will return 1111
        select right('222-22-2222',4) will return 2222
        select right('333-33-3333',4) will return 3333
        select right('444-44-4444',4) will return 4444

Date and Time Functions
Date and Time Functions are used for manipulating Date and Time expression.
  • GetDate() - Returns current date and time of a system.
    • Example: select GetDate() will return something like "2007-10-10 15:34:37.287"
  • GetUTCDate() - Returns current date and time information as per UTC (Universal Time Coordinate or Greenwich Mean Time)
    • Example: select GetDate() will return something like "2007-10-10 15:34:37.287"
DatePart and Abbrevation, which we will be using with DatePart, DateADD, DateDIFF function.

Datepart Abbreviations
Year yy, yyyy
Quarter qq, q
Month mm, m
Dayofyear dy, y
Day dd, d
Week wk, ww
Weekday dw, w
Hour Hh
Minute mi, n
Second ss, s
Millisecond Ms

  • DatePart() - Returns an integer representing a datepart of a date.
    • Note: Example are based on considering "2007-10-10 15:34:37.287" as GetDate()
    • Example:
      • select DatePart("day",GetDate()) will return 10.
      • select DatePart("hour",GetDate()) will return 16.
      • select DatePart("dayofyear",GetDate()) will return 283. And so on...
  • DateADD() - Returns adds a date or time interval to a specified date.
    • Syntax: DateADD(Abbrevation, number to be added, date)
    • Example:
      • select DateAdd("day",7,GetDate()) will return 2007-10-17 16:09:18.280
      • select DateAdd("month",20,GetDate()) will return 2009-06-10 16:10:02.643
      • And so on...
  • DateDIFF() - Returns difference between two specified dates.
    • Syntax: DateDIFF(Abbrevation, startdate, enddate)
    • Note: If the end date is earlier than the start date, the function returns a negative number. If the start and end dates are equal or fall within the same interval, the function returns zero.
    • Example:
      • select DATEDIFF("mm", Getdate()-500,GETDATE()) will return 17
      • You must pass valid start and end date otherwise you will receive error.

Mathematical Functions
Mathematical Functions are used for manipulating Mathematical expression.
  • ABS() - Returns positive value of numeric expression.
    • Example: In following example both statement will return 3.14
      • select ABS(3.14)
        select ABS(-3.14)
  • Ceiling() - Returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to a numeric expression.
    • Example:
      • select Ceiling(3.14) will return 4
        select Ceiling(-3.14) will return 3.
  • Floor() -Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to a numeric expression.
    • Example:
      • select Floor(3.14) will return 3
        select Floor(-3.14) will return 4
  • Round() - Returns a numeric expression that is rounded to the specified length or precision.
    • Example:
      • select Round(3.14, 1) will return 3.10
        select Round(-3.17, 1) will return -3.20
      • select Round(3.12345, 4) will return 3.12350
      • select Round(3.12345, 3) will return 3.12300
  • Power() - POWER(numeric_expression, power)
    • Example: select power(2,3) will return 8

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